Almond Cake

Ingredients –

– 1 c. butter or margarine
– 1 c. sugar
– 3 eggs
– 1 can SOLO Almond Filling
– 2-1/4 c. flour
– 2 t. baking powder
– 1/2 t. salt
– 1/4 c. milk

Cream butter or margarine and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, mixing thoroughly. Add SOLO Almond Filling, mix well. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add to creamed mixture alternately with milk Pour into greased and floured tube pan. Bake at 350 F for 50 min. or until done. Cool in pan. Remove from pan and drizzle the following glaze over top of cake. Combine 1 c. powdered sugar, 2 T. cream, 1/4 almond flavoring.

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