Cranberry Filbert Relish

Ingredients –

– 1 package of cranberries
– 1-1/3 c. apple juice (2 5-1/2 oz. cans of apple juice)
– 1 navel orange
– 1/2 c. candied or preserved ginger, cut fine
– 1 c. seedless raisins or currants
– 3 c. sugar
– 1 c. coarsely chopped filbert nuts or almonds

  1. Cook cranberries in apple juice until skin bursts.
  2. Cut orange into quarters, remove pithy center and seeds. Cut up fine. Don’t peel.
  3. Add orange, ginger, raisins and sugar to cooked cranberries.
  4. Cook over low heat stirring until sugar dissolves.
  5. Increase heat and cook approximately 15 minutes. Stir constantly.
  6. Add nuts and poor into clean hot jars.

Yield: 8 6-oz. jars.

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