Whipped Cream Stabilized

Ingredients –

– For 1 cup heavy cream use 1/2 t. unflavored gelatin and 1 T. cold water.

– For 2 cups heavy cream use 1 t. unflavored gelatin and 2 T. cold water.

– For 6 cups heavy cream use 1 T. (1 envelope) unflavored gelatin and 1/4 c. plus 2 T. cold water.

In a small bowl, soften gelatin in cold water about 5 min. Place bowl over small saucepan of simmering water. Whip cream until barely stiff; do not over beat. Beat in gelatin all at once, heating only long enough to incorporate. Serve with dessert or use for garnishing.

CAUTION: Do not use more gelatin than listed – it is important to avoid even a hint of jelling the cream.

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